Christian Education
Through our Sunday School program, weekly Bible Study, and Small Group studies, we endeavor to become Christlike in every area of our lives and strive to learn God’s Word, that we may grow in spiritual maturity, and become servants submitted to the Master.
Through our Sunday School program, weekly Bible Study, and Small Group studies, we endeavor to become Christlike in every area of our lives and strive to learn God’s Word, that we may grow in spiritual maturity, and become servants submitted to the Master.
The Music Ministry endeavors to set an atmosphere of worship, & ushers believers into the presence of God. The choir, musicians, & praise team, along with the youth & children’s choirs, lift and encourage the hearts, as they minister unto the Lord.
The Hospitality Ministry exist to serve as an extension of God’s heart towards all who enter His house. From a simple individual greeting, to serving at congregational fellowship gatherings, the desire is to reflect the love of Jesus to everyone.
The Hospitality Ministry exist to serve as an extension of God’s heart towards all who enter His house. From a simple individual greeting, to serving at congregational fellowship gatherings, the desire is to reflect the love of Jesus to everyone.
Women’s Ministry
Our Vision is to encourage women to yield their total being to the will of God, and to mature by developing sound, healthy relationships with one another.
Our Vision is to encourage women to yield their total being to the will of God, and to mature by developing sound, healthy relationships with one another.
The media ministry seeks to make sure the proclaimed word of God is available and accessible through audio, video, and social media.
The media ministry seeks to make sure the proclaimed word of God is available and accessible through audio, video, and social media.
The drama ministry seeks to bring the bible and the message of Jesus Christ to life through spoken word, theatrical performances, and visual illustration
Men’s Ministry
The Men’s Ministry is designed to bring Christian men into a deeper relation with God, and greater fellowship with one another. Through the Word, Worship and Witness, men become role-models of righteousness in our homes, the church, on our jobs, and in the world at large. To become “Men of Prayer”, rather than just “Men who Pray.”
The Men’s Ministry is designed to bring Christian men into a deeper relation with God, and greater fellowship with one another. Through the Word, Worship and Witness, men become role-models of righteousness in our homes, the church, on our jobs, and in the world at large. To become “Men of Prayer”, rather than just “Men who Pray.”
Music Ministry
Our Music Ministry endeavors to set an atmosphere of worship, and ushers the believers into the presence of God. The choir, musicians and praise team, along with the youth and children’s choirs, lift and encourage the hearts, as they ministers unto the Lord.
Our Music Ministry endeavors to set an atmosphere of worship, and ushers the believers into the presence of God. The choir, musicians and praise team, along with the youth and children’s choirs, lift and encourage the hearts, as they ministers unto the Lord.